IV. Pulai Rider Park Cup
Insisting to the practice of the former years, the IV. Pulai Rider Park Cup has been organized on the first week end (5-7 August, 2011.).
Seeing with the organizer's eyes, we feel that perhaps we succeeded in arrangement of one of the most successful Pulai Rider Park Cup on the first week end of August. For our big-big happiness, the heavenly forces also helped us and after the not just summer-like weather conditions of the last period, we have got a few days of pleasantly warm days with splendid sunshine, free of destroying storms.
In the race almost all smaller and bigger award-driver clubs and associations were represented, thinking in figures 270 starts were produced by 85 starting riders with 107 horses, during three days. This was a man-burdening task for horse, rider, referee, betting office and field services alike. To mention a tangible example, so much starters were signing-in to the race that finally the LSZ5 program had to be shifted to the Friday, since there was no sufficient place in the Saturday - Sunday racing days, though the first events were commenced at 7:00 a.m. every morning and the result announcements of the last events as well as the award giving ceremonies were closed at about 20:00 p.m.
During the three days we could see very high standard riding attractions and the 75 to 80% performance was not a rare event. The good mood can be attributed perhaps to the valuable awards, perhaps the competition spirit wishing overriding each other, perhaps the summer sunshine or, the well-balanced and organized background together motivated the riders for the excellent performances.
We also may not forget about the referee's team (Miklós Berényi chief referee, József Balázs, Andrea Budai, Ilja Vietor, István Kiss, Albert Major, Zoltán Prutkay, Mariann Vígh) evaluating the results of the riders, who tireless attitude scored the starters from early morning till late evening.
We in the Pulai Rider Park pay very great attention in every year to draw-in outsiders into the award-rider's world which is otherwise many times considered too inward-looking, who seeing the harmonic motion of the horses and their riders, love and respect to each other and get stimulated to try this sporting branch by themselves or, perhaps they only get nearer to these beautiful animals. Thus, we consider very important to produce some Friday and Saturday evening show programs, which attracts the persons showing interest in the neighborhood and not at last, provides possibility for some leisure and liberated entertainment. On 5th August, Friday the spectators could see a Quadrille championship presenting very creative attractions and after this the fans could head bang at the concert of Veca Janicsák and Takás Nikolas becoming known from the X-Factor. During the course of the Saturday's evening program the spectators were fascinated by the KO championship which is becoming already a tradition, then the public was entertained by the Summer Sisters and L. Norbi Király.
And to talk a little for our own interest... Who ever already organized some similar event all know well that organizing such a weekend successfully without an adequate team would be impossible. Of the successful conduction of the racing an indispensable fundamental condition was the careful preparatory work commenced months earlier, belonged the painting and renewal of the grandstand and the referee's posts within the frame of social (unpaid) work, horticultural and parking tasks done on the riding area, likewise careful selection and ordering of the cups and ribbons. In the conduction of the race very big responsibility was born by the approximately 20-person small team, performing smooth conduction, trouble-free organization and controlling of the entire event. We have a great luck in the fact that the composition of this small enthusiastic team of family mood is unchanged already for several years, thus in the course of the earlier races everyone could acquire the proper experience and indispensable practice and thus everyone could perform its task in a routine-like manner.
Based on the extremely positive feedbacks and congratulations, we feel that we succeeded in organization of an August weekend memorable and enjoyable for everyone, which motivates us to invite the riders and every person showing interest to the races to be organized by us again on high standards, not interrupting the traditions, in the year of 2012.
IV. Pulai Rider Park Cup pictures in the gallery.